eSalesConcepts Services Contract

To establish a business account with eSalesConcepts, you must send us a non-refundable
one-time setup fee of $500. This is an all-inclusive fee covering all startup expenses for
our standard-package, including among other things, the registration of a web domain
name, the setup of a standard web page, and your first 3 month's basic web hosting fees.
You may optionally choose to have your webpage further customized at additional cost
and/or you may purchase additional web hosting services. All startup costs must be paid
in advance, before your account can be activated. In addition, you will be required to
deposit with us, a sum equal to your agreed upon advertising budget for your first six-
weeks in advance, before we can commence your advertising campaign. All written
materials you submit to us for sale must be either your own original work, or work for
which you have legally acquired the publishing rights. Our policy prohibits the selling of
pornographic material, and all material sold must comply with all applicable laws. You are
responsible for all expenses including but not limited to setup fees, advertising costs,
sales transaction fees, credit finance costs, subcontract fees for requested customizations,
web hosting expenses, and any other actual & reasonable business expenses directly
related to eSalesConcepts's handling of your account. Expenses shall ordinarily be
deducted automatically from gross sales proceeds before you recieve any profit
distributions. However, if proceeds in any given accounting period are insufficient to cover
expenses, you alone are liable for the shortage, and must make payment within seven
calendar days of notification. eSalesConcepts recieves its compensation as a percentage
of your net proceeds. If you make no money, we make no money. As such, eSalesConcepts
reserves the right to drop your product if it fails to generate a certain minimim amount of
revenue by the end of the first six weeks, or if sales drop be low the acceptable level for
any six week period. Because eSalesConcepts only profits when you profit, we are
motivated to market your product as successfully as we can. However, since
eSalesConcepts has no control over the product content, we cannot guarentee results.
eSalesConcepts shall bear no responsibility for any product which fails to sell. Though we
may advise you, the marketing strategy is at all times under your direction, and therefore
your responsiblity. You may change your marketing strategy at any time, and it is also
your prerogative to become directly involved in the marketing effort whenever and to
whatever extent you wish. Any such involvement by you shall not entitle you to any refund
or discout from eSalesConcepts. However, any direct expenses you incur related to such
efforts shall be reimbursable from gross revenues prior to profit disbursements.

Note: The following is a synopsis only. The full and actual terms & conditions
are disclosed in the signup Agreement. As with all contracts, you are advised
to have your attorney review the Agreement before you sign.